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De zp (2)

Social Policies[]

The social ideals of the Centre Party are based around the teachings of the Bible and of our lord Jesus Christ. These ideals are truly un-nameable, without identity. We see it as the inspiration and influence of Jesus combined with the direct teachings of the great German Karl Marx.

As the Englishman George Lansubury put it "Socialism which means love, cooperation and brotherhood in every department of human affairs, is the only outward expression of a Christian's faith. I am firmly convinced that whether they know it or not, all who approve and accept competition and struggle against each other as the means whereby we gain our daily bread, do indeed betray and make of no effect the will of God."

Regarding the issue of race we shall quote another Englishman, this one a 14th century noble by the name of John Ball. "If we all came of the same father and mother, of Adam and Eve, how can they say or prove that they are better than we...?"

Foreign Policies[]

The foreign policy of Germany has had an enormous impact upon the entire world for the better part of half a century now. We have been directly involved in, by far, the two largest wars in the history of the world. It is time we turn the page and step back and take a look at how and why we have become so influential.

This is not a hard question to answer. We have done so through aggression, racism, and force. It is time this change. The Centre Party hopes for fair and open relation with all nations. We plan to scale down our military and use force only when necessary and only in a defensive manner.

Party Procedure[]

Prior to our forced disbandment in 1933 by Hitler and the NAZI's we allowed only Catholics within our ranks. It has become clear to us since then that this is simply not right. Jesus welcome all to support him, be they gentile or Jew, so what right do we have to disallow any single group of people.

For this reason all those who believe in our lord Jesus Christ, whether they be Catholic or Protestant are welcomed with open arms into our party.
